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Simple Things To Watch Out For While Moving Home

Home removals can be tricky, in that there is so much to get sorted, that it can be very easy to forget about simple things. When you are starting out on your domestic removals, it is essential that you have all of the basics covered before you get in to the more detailed stuff, but even when you are halfway through, you can find yourself stuck in a position where you have a problem that seems so obvious once it is in your face, but would never have crossed your mind whilst you were planning the move! Labeling your packing boxes is something that people often feel like they don’t need to bother with, but it can make all the difference. You will find that putting ‘FRAGILE’ on a box is not nearly as helpful as ‘FRAGILE - Kitchen Crockery’ as this will mean that people are able to treat the boxes appropriately, ensuring that it is not knocked about, and that it is deposited in the kitchen when you arrive. You should think about how you get things left in the new house, as this will be a great time saver if done right. You can draw up a floor plan of the house, and sketch in where you want the heavier items left, to reduce the need for moving things about later on in the process. You will also find that you can gain a lot from labeling the rooms with a peace of paper on each door as you arrive, to ensure that there is no confusion between bedrooms, which will all look the same without furniture in!When you are planning out the move, make it real with a planner style time table. This will usually take the form of a calendar that tracks the lead up to the move day, with all that anyone has to do towards the removal, as well as where, when and how. For instance on the 16th of August, ‘Mark to pick up packing boxes form removals company on the way home from work.’ this way you can plan in a way that saves time, as well as fuel! Think about all of the different elements of your life that will be fighting against each other in lieu of the removal, and you will be sure to get things set out easily.  Organize your postal forwarding address well in advance, so that as soon as you have moved, things are transferred to your new place. Let everyone know by email that the address has changed, and allow for some time to get settled in to your new place. Think about transferring your energy and phone bills as well, as this will mean that you have less to think about when you arrive. If you can get this stuff sorted in advance then it is a good idea to do so, but the fact is that it can be hard in some cases, especially if you don’t have access to the new place yet.Think carefully about the logistics of the removal. Is there a gate to the new place, do you have on street parking? Will there be room for the van? A removals van can be a very large vehicle, and if you are not careful with the planning, then it can become a massive problem at the last minute! Be sure that you are not at risk of getting stuck with nowhere to park, or a van that won’t fit through the gate, as this can be a disaster!